Panel Borders: Visiting the Cartoon Classroom
Partially broadcast 17/12/09 as an episode of Strip! on Resonance 104.4 FM

A new painting of V by David Lloyd and logo + self portrait by Steve Marchant to help promote Cartoon Classroom
Continuing our month of shows on comics and education, Alex Fitch talks to V for Vendetta illustrator David Lloyd and cartoonist Steve Marchant about the project – Cartoon Classroom – they’ve set up with the help of Paul Gravett; a not-for-profit website that aims to inspire the next generation of cartoonists and make the art form more accessible to children and adults who want to be more proficient at creating comic-strips and drawing cartoons. is also designed as a gateway and information resource for studying cartoon and sequential art in schools, colleges, libraries and museums across the UK and Ireland and so Steve and David talk about the genesis of the project, its roots in the London Cartoon Centre and their own experiences both as comic book tutors and when they first broke into the industry.
For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at
Links: Cartoon Classroom website
More info about Cartoon Classroom on Down the tubes
Buy Steve’s comic Stupidface at
Steve’s online portfolio at
David’s website
Buy a painted V for Vendetta sketch by David off ebay and help support Cartoon Classroom
Info about the Cartoon Museum in London
Fanzine article about Andy Roberts’ experiences at the London Cartoon Centre
Listen to Alex’s interview with David about his comics career so far
BBC audio director Neil Gardner (The Brightonomicon / Doctor Who: Hornet’s Nest) is offering choice items from his CD, DVD and book collection in exchange for donations to The Stroke Association and will match donations by 200%!
Get your stocking fillers from Neil and donate to a good cause….
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