Reality Check: Time travelling Hobbits and other Cryptic paradoxes

Reality Check: Time travelling Hobbits and other Cryptic paradoxes

Alex Fitch, director Chris Bouchard plus some of The Hunt for Gollum cast and crew

Alex Fitch, director Chris Bouchard plus some of The Hunt for Gollum cast and crew

In a pair of Q and As recorded in front of a live cinema audience at this year’s Sci-Fi London Film Festival, Alex Fitch talks to the directors of two new low budget films: The Hunt for Gollum and Cryptic. Joining Alex and director Chris Bouchard on stage, members of the cast and crew of The Hunt for Gollum talk about making an extended short film that stands up to the quality of the official Lord of the Rings movies, in an adaptation of material by J.R.R. Tolkein that was a labour of love for all involved, even when recreating Middle Earth in Epping Forest on limited resources. Alex also talks to producer / co-director Danny Kuchuck about his film Cryptic which mixes teen therapy with tropes of murder mysteries, revenge thrillers and time paradoxes to create an intriguing Sci-Fi drama .

For more info, please visit the home of this podcast at Sci-Fi London

Links: IMDb pages on The Hunt for Gollum and Cryptic
Official websites for The Hunt for Gollum and Cryptic

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