Reality Check: Gentlemen in Flight

Illustration of Little Nellie by Edgar Aromin
In a special episode looking at two of the great gentlemen of the sky, who first found fame in the 1960s with their piloting of classic Sci-Fi air/spacecraft, Chris Patmore talks to George Takei about being the helmsman of the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek in both the classic TV series and beyond while Alex Fitch talks to Wing Commander Ken Wallis about building and flying the gyrocopter ‘Little Nellie’ in You only live twice and its stablemate in The Martian Chronicles…
For more info, please visit the home of this podcast at Sci-Fi London
Links: For more info about George and the re-release of the classic series of Star Trek on Blu Ray please visit and
For more info about Ken and the BFI’s current Bond and Beyond season… and
Listen to Alex interview Brent (Data) Spiner about his career…
Comics / sci-fi news: is now live, being a resource for Japan’s performance art of telling stories with sequential images, including info on the next London performance of the form on May 31st…