Electric Sheep Magazine Podcast: Looking East / Thalma Goldman
Electric Sheep editor Virginie Selavy talks to East End Film Festival programmer Andrew Simpson, Masonic Temple programmer Josh Saco, and to Evrim Ersoy, programmer and presenter of DukeFest the Third. Electric Sheep assistant editor Alex Fitch discusses Israeli-born British artist and animator Thalma Goldman with Richard Hallam and Sylvie Venet-Tupy, authors of Thalma, An Artist’s Life. Plus an extract from a conversation between Austrian filmmaker Peter Tscherkassky and British director Peter Strickland (Berberian Sound Studio, The Duke of Burgundy) recorded at the ICA. With music by The White Stripes and The Sex Pistols.

Cover of Thalma, An Artists Life by Richard Hallam and Sylvie Venet-Tupy / posters for Duke Fest, Temple Cinema and EEFF
Visit www.archive.org, for more info and formats you can stream / download.
Links: Info about the Thalma, An Artit’s Life
East End Film Festival 2016 programme and website
DukeFest website
Info about the Andaz Liverpool Street Masonic Lodge