Book List: Time Lord Spin-offs

Book List: Time Lord Spin-offs

In a show looking at new Doctor Who novels, short story anthologies and ebooks since the programme returned to television in 2005, Alex Fitch talks to novelist Alastair Reynolds about his book The Harvest of Time, and to writers / editors Jay Eales and Selina Lock about Faction Paradox, Iris Wildtyme, Senor 105 and other Gallifreyan themed titles published by Obverse and Manleigh Books in an interview recorded at the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. (Partially broadcast as a Clear Spot, 05/06/15 on Resonance FM)

Covers of Doctor Who spin-off books

Covers of Doctor Who spin-off books

For more info about this podcast and a variety of other formats you can download / stream, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Page on Alastair Reynolds site about writing Doctor Who: The Harvest of Time
Info about Faction Paradox and Iris Wildthyme books featuring Jay Eales at
Info about the Timelord Mexican Wrestler Se?or 105 published by Manleigh Books including Selina Lock’s ‘Green Eyed and Grim’
Jay and Selina’s Factor Fiction Press
Buy The Harvest of Time from Amazon
Listen to Andrew Hickey’s interview with Lawrence Miles about Faction Paradox
Listen to Alex Fitch’s previous interviews with Selina Lock and Clear Spot about Doctor Who novels and interview with Iris Wildthyme creator Paul Magrs