Panel Borders: Doctor Who and the Graphic Novels
Continuing a month about comic book creators who collaborate together, Alex Fitch looks at Doctor Who comic strips in the 50th anniversary week of the TV show. In a panel discussion recorded at SCI-FI-LONDON, artists Adrian Salmon and Mark Buckingham plus writers Scott Gray and Andrew Cartmel (also the TV script editor from 1987-1989) discuss the various adventures of the Doctor in sequential art, including the ‘wilderness years’ when the show was off air in the 1990s and comics were the only continuing visual adventures of the Time Lord. Recorded May 2013 in front of a live audience at SCI-FI-LONDON, Stratford Picture House.
Originally broadcast Monday 18th November 2013, on Resonance 104.4 FM (London)

Doctor Who comics by artists Adrian Salmon, Mark Buckingham, and writers Andrew Cartmel and Scott Gray
For more info and a variety of different formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this podcast at
Links: Doctor Who comics website –
Info about Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctor comics at
Adrian Salmon’s blog
Wikipedia pages on Mark Buckingham, Andrew Cartmel and Scott Gray
Listen to Alex’s previous interviews with Andrew Cartmel and Mark Buckingham
Other podcasts on Doctor Who including comic strip creators Tony Lee, Al Davison, Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons, Richard Morris, Leah Moore and John Reppion, Roger Langridge and Gary Russell
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