I’m ready for my close-up special: London Film Festival 2012 review part 1
In the first of two special hour long editions to celebrate the 56th BFI London Film Festival, Alex Fitch talks to cartoonist and film critic Mark Stafford about films they’ve seen at this year’s LFF. Films reviewed include: the new Ralph Steadman documentary: For no good reason, Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral, The Shining documentary Room 237, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Sally Potter’s Ginger and Rosa, Hyde Park on Hudson, Good Vibrations, West of Memphis, Beware of Mr. Baker, Animated Monty Python reunion: A Liar’s Autobiography, French cartoon Ernest and Celestine, and Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie…
Also, Alex talks to director Richard Bates Jr. about his excellent new teen body horror movie Excision, which stars Traci Lords, Malcolm McDowell and John Waters and is best described as a cross between We need to talk about Kevin and I was a teenage Frankenstein! (Originally broadcast in an edited version 16/10/12 on Resonance FM)
Visit www.archive.org, for more info and formats you can stream / download.
Links: Official London Film Festival website
Mark Stafford’s website
London Cartoon Museum
Electric Sheep Magazine online
Recommended events:
Nobrow at Foyles – Hilda and the Bird Parade Graphic Novel Exhibition, by Luke Pearson
Come and see the amazingly intricate original drawings from Luke Pearson’s latest instalment in the Hilda Series, Hilda and the Bird Parade, only at Foyles on Charing Cross Road
Address: The Gallery at Foyles, Third Floor, Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0EB
Admission: Free
Dates: 5th – 17th of October
Gallery Opening Times*: Mon – Sat 9.30am – 5pm, Sunday 11.30am – 5pm
*Please note that the Gallery may be closed when instore meetings and events are taking place
Who is Ana Mendieta? exhibition
Art from the graphic novel Who is Ana Mendieta? by Christine Redfern and Caro Caron is on display at Space Station Sixty Five gallery, Building One, 373 Kennington Road, London SE11 4PS
Exhibition runs until November 4th, more info at http://spacestationsixtyfive.com
Laydeez do comics, October 2012
Monday 22 October, 6.30 – 9.30pm
The Rag Factory 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ
Simon Grennan, artist http://kartoonkings.com
Lucy Lyons, artist http://www.lucylyons.org/
Fay Trier, writer http://www.facebook.com/fayt35
Idle Hands Comix indiegogo campaign
Short film maker and illustrator Paul Cheshire is launching a new annual British comics anthology for 2013 and needs your help to fund it. Examples of his SF / LSD inspired work can be found at http://www.idlehandscomix.com and ‘perks’ for funding the 100-150 page anthology can be found at http://www.indiegogo.com/Idlehandscomixcampaign