Panel Borders: Neal Adams’ Relevant Comics
Continuing a month of show about creators whose passion for comics leads them to do more than just create strips for the medium, Alex Fitch talks to legendary creator Neal Adams, one of the defining artists of the Superhero ‘Silver Age’. Adams is best known for his work on Batman and Green Lantern / Green Arrow with writer Dennis O’Neil in the 1970s, dragging the Dark Knight Detective out of the camp 1960s era and adding a strand of social realism to the latter comic, addressing issues of racism, drug abuse and civil unrest.
As well as being credited with creating ‘relevant comics’ within the hero genre, Adams also has championed creators rights in the industry and in recent years returned to Batman and the X-Men for celebrated mini-series as writer and artist. (Originally broadcast Thursday 9th April, on Resonance 104.4 FM)

Excerpts from Green Lantern / Green Arrow, Batman: Odyssey and The First X-Men by Neal Adams
For more info and a variety of different formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this podcast at (Recorded at London Super Comic Con, March 2015)
Links: Neal Adams’ website
LSCC website
Article on relevant comics at
Listen to Alex’s interview with another celebrated Green Arrow artist Mike Grell and fellow Bucky O’Hare artist, Michael Golden