Panel Borders: Wagner and Gibbons
Continuing a month of shows about ‘The Galaxy’s Greatest Comic’, Alex Fitch talks to another writer and artist about their work in and after 2000AD. In an extract from a Q and A recorded on stage at The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Alex Fitch talks to artist Dave Gibbons about his early years, drawing such strips as a reimagined Dan Dare for a 1980s audience. Also, Alex talks to writer John Wagner about scripting Judge Dredd on and off since 1977 and other projects that have been adapted to the screen such as A History of Violence (recorded at London Super Comic Con).
Originally broadcast 20th August 2015 on Resonance 104.4 FM.

Rogue Trooper and Dan Dare drawn by Dave Gibbons, A History of Violence, Judge Dredd and The Bogie Man written by John Wagner
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